All Saints is the new home for people with different religious experiences from all over this country. Our men’s group recognized that 1] the transient nature of our membership presents some unique challenges and 2] male groupings to talk about “religion and Bible stuff” don’t usually get off the ground and if they do they shortly crash and burn. We are bucking that trend.
We are centered around: 1] love of Christ, love of those who are in this group and love of this community that we have been blessed to be part of. 2] that we, as far as possible, commit to supporting our gatherings together, 3] that we will help grow each other’s faith by sharing the way the Lord has acted in our lives.
In the past we have studied: 1] a 12 week course looking at the relationship of science and the Christian world view, trying to understand how our faith fits in our technological world, 2] the holy scriptures of the world’s religions, 3] “My neighbor is Muslim”. 4] 24 lessons of “The New Testament as History and Literature”. We encourage any man of any faith to join us as we journey together to find purpose and peace in a world often devoid of either.
“We don’t have all the answers, but we are learning to ask better questions”