Membership & Service Opportunities

There are three ways to become more involved in All Saints:

  • If you don’t have another church home, please consider becoming a Member of All Saints. We need your time, talents, gifts, and prayers. There is much to do, as a church, in Big Sky. We will be stronger because of people like you joining us.
  • If you are a part-time resident or vacation here regularly and have another church you call home, we would invite you become an Associate Member. An Associate Member is encouraged to be an active participant in worship whenever possible and also to share with us your time, talents, gifts, and prayers.  We are not a substitute for your home congregation, but a complement to it!  Associate Members are vital to the strength and energy that make All Saints such a special place.
  • You simply can be a Friend of All Saints and receive occasional emails and other notices about our life together.

Whatever way you wish to be involved and support this ministry, we want you to join us either as a Friend, Associate, or Member. If you have a question about any of this or want say “yes” to one of these three ways of becoming involved, please drop our Pastor/Priest an email. Thank you!

Email Pr. Miriam: