Welcome to All Saints in Big Sky
Whether you are a vacationer, a part-time resident, a seasonal worker, or a full-time community member of Big Sky, you are welcome here. Whether you are old or young, single or partnered, married or widowed, alone or with family, retired or working, sure of your faith or still figuring it out, you are welcome here.
At All Saints in Big Sky, you will discover a unique faith community of Episcopalians, Lutherans, persons with a variety of other church backgrounds, and those who are trying out church for the first time.
At our center is God, abounding in mercy and love, made known to us in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday Worship happens in person at the Big Sky Chapel and on Facebook LIVE at 10 AM
All Saints Sunday Worship recordings are available on our Facebook page and YouTube Channel

Online giving is now available for All Saints in Big Sky!
Enter here to begin online giving to the General Fund of All Saints in Big Sky
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